Tips to create top notch email campaigns in 2017!

By Woven Agency, Tuesday January 3, 2017

We’re email marketing fanatics here at INK and as the New Year is here, we’ve whipped up some top tips that we swear by that can help your campaigns reach new heights in 2017!

Personalise until your heart’s content

Campaign Monitor found that emails are 26% more likely to be opened if personalisation has been used in the subject line. A personal touch is always a winner and it’s super simple to do. We also recommend testing where your personalisation is most effective, whether it be at the beginning or the end of a sentence. Speaking of personalisation, let us tell you about email segmentation…

Win with email segmentation tactics

Segmentation allows you to divide your subscriber list into small handy groups based on a number of data types such as gender, age, geographic location, past purchases etc. to ensure they receive emails perfectly tailored to them. Personalisation-based emails translate into a renewed sense of trust and confidence in your brand and can often lead to higher open/click rates and an increase in sales.

Optimise your emails

Did you know, in October 2016, 56% of emails were opened on a mobile device? (Source: Litmus). Statistics like this, solidify the importance of making sure your email campaigns look wonderful across all devices. We advise performing a litmus test before hitting send to ensure everything looks as it should across different screen sizes and popular email clients. Litmus testing also has the benefit of having your email scanned by every major spam filter before you send, so it really is a no-brainer!

Reap the rewards with automation

Automation can be super effective and once you’re all set up, the rest is a doddle. You can utilise automation in a whole host of ways, here’s just a few examples:

  • Happy Birthday – Wishing your subscribers ‘Happy Birthday’ and offering them a birthday treat is bound to put a smile on their face. Making them feel special is key, especially with an offer tailored to them.
  • Get Feedback – Using automation to receive feedback on a recently purchased product will help shape your service so it’s the best it can possibly be, plus you’ll be able to gain an insight into exactly what your customers want.
  • Limited Time Offer Reminders – Automation is great for triggering emails to your subscribers about an exclusive offer that is coming to an end to try bag those last minute sales.

Measuring your results beyond the click

Learning what worked and what didn’t is crucial to evolving your next campaign to make it even better. The likes of Google Analytics makes gaining detailed data simple. Delving into stats such as when users opened an email, when they first interacted, on which platform, which pages they visited on your site and whether they converted the first time they opened the email, or not, are all super important insights that you can use to help fine tune your next email campaign.

Did you know we have our very own super simple email platform called BLINK?! Be sure to check it out as there are loads of really cool features including the likes of automation, personalisation segmentation, optimisation, plus lots more. Not only that, but if you choose to use BLINK, you’ll be backed by the digital experts at here at INK so rest assured, you’ll be in safe hands. Be sure to get in touch if you’re interested in BLINK or have any questions.

Sources: Skyword and Campaign Monitor